Kösedere Village

Kösedere village is approximately 35 km from Ezine and one of the closest villages to Tavakli. In fact, with a population of around 1,200 it is the largest village in the area.

The village income is derived mainly from agriculture and particularly vegetable produce. Livestock such as sheep and goats and olive oil production is also a valuable source of income for the village. Situated near the Aegean coast there is also a large fresh water reservoir near the village of Kösedere.


Our Mosque

Tavakli mosque might look just like any other mosque to a visitor passing through but this is the centre of the community and it is very well looked after and revered by the citizens of Tavakli village.

Tavakli mosque welcomes all visitors. Please take the time to visit the mosque for prayer or to look around. Visiting a mosque is a learning experience and followers of Islam welcome tourists to the mosque.

Please observe simple rules of etiquette when visiting so as not to cause offence. The most important thing is to leave your shoes in the area provided before you enter the mosque and to act as you would in any house of God. Avoid talking loudly, turn off your mobile phone and do not take food or drink inside the mosque. Most of the rules are common sense.

Basically, dress appropriately and make sure your legs are covered and that you are respectful of your surroundings. If in doubt ask and someone will happily escort you around and put you right if you make any mistakes.

May Allah be with you at every step you take,
May Allah guide you in each decision you make,
May Allah help you when life gets rough,
May Allah Bless you with more than enough,
May Allah protect you when you fall,
May Allah hear you when you call,
May Allah sooth your heart when you don’t understand,
May you always be in Allah’s loving Hand.. Ameen

Village Hall Partially Demolished

Unfortunately the school has been partially demolished and it does not look like this old building will be restored. In its place there are plans for a new community hall for weddings and village events.

This is a magnificent old building and basically a sound structure but the roof is in a poor state and needs attention. With a new roof and some windows, a lick of paint and a bit of effort, this could be an amazing community centre and a good playground for the children of the village.

Sadly there are not enough funds to pay for the work needed but if you know anyone who could help please contact our village leader ( Muhtar ) Mr Ender Şengül on 0542 6700591 who will direct you to the right department.


Agricultural Cart

Prior to the late 1980’s agricultural carts of this nature could be found in villages and towns across Turkey. Many of these carts are over 50 years old. There are not so many around today. In Tavakli village one such example of a cart in very good condition is Auntie Hanife’s.
Look at the detail on the side of the cart. You can tell it has been well looked after and kept out of the rain and bad weather. Such carts are hard to find these days. It is a pity that there is no special place to display the cart in the centre of the village where people could view and admire its beauty.